GANNDALF aspires to develop cutting-edge methodologies for effective cyber-crime addressing, especially in the context of the evolving landscape where cyber crime is increasingly being offered as a service (crime-as-a-service – CaaS). Consequently, as CaaS tools are progressively becoming advanced, affordable and user friendly, cyber attacks can only be faced with beyond state-of-the-art approaches, comprising of knowledge sharing and real time – collaboration. Through agency-to-agency data sharing mechanisms, and the deployment of a decision-support toolbox to identify cyber threats, GANNDALF will deliver a customizable & collaborative crime investigation sandbox for scenarios for sophisticated crime investigation. Moreover, the project will enhance the Cyber Hygiene 2.0 vision, which encourages citizens to participate actively in the crime spotting and reporting process, without expert knowledge.

The role of Convergence:

In the GANNDALF project, Convergence’s primary focus, as Ethics & Ethical AI manager of the project, is to ensure proper monitoring of societal impacts and ethics management during project activities. Convergence, as the SSH expert of the project, will also (a) organise and execute training and awareness raising activities, (b) deliver methods and a pathway towards optimising the societal impact of GANNDALF against crime-as-a-service, as well as, (c) analyse the human perspective towards the full exploitation of GANNDALF offerings via the engagement of the public on activities related to the identification and prevention of cybercrimes.